Create First Hello World Application


Welcome to Xamarin Android App Development. Xamarin development has easy-to-understand written code of C#. Xamarin also supports with Xamarin cross Platform Development.

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Let’s start,

Please following the below steps easy to create your First Hello World App,

Step 1: Open Visual Studio->New Project->Templates->Visual C#->Android->Blank App

Then, Select the Blank App(Android). Then give Project Name and Project Stored Location.

Step 2 – After click OK Button to prepare to Create New Solution, then showing welcome page. The Solution have some important views:

  1. Solution Explorer
  2. Tool Bar
  3. Menu Bar
  4. Standard Bar


Step 3: Next to Double Click Main.axml to open XML Code,this page to use create new designs in XML Code,

Step 4:
Then Open MainActivity.cs C# Code,

Step 5 – 
Run the Application;  it shows one default button event, after clicking the button working trigger event it increases the Clicking count.

Step 6 – Next Open Main.axml Remove the  old BUTTON then Drag and Drop New TextView. Then Edit the TextView Text in HELLO WELCOME,


Step 7 – To run the Application output showing in TextView HELLO WELCOME.

Download Source here
Finally, we have successfully created our first Xamarin Android Hello World Application.

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